What Is PRISM Technology?
PRISM™ technology is an exclusively patented feature only available with AlcoMate breath alcohol testers (US Patent No. 7,841,224 B2, also worldwide).
The AlcoMate Prestige™ was the first Semi- Conductor breathalyzer in the world that did not need calibration, you simply change the sensor module. If you are looking for a Fuel-Cell model, The AlcoMate Revo TS200™ is the only Fuel-Cell breathalyzer in the world that you can change the sensor module.

You can change the sensor as fast and easy as replacing a battery. Simply replace with a new Pre-Calibrated sensor module. Now your breathalyzer is like new again, there is no need to send this unit in for a calibration service.
Since this proprietary sensor technology is patented there is no other brand of breathalyzer on the market that has this replaceable sensor technology. If you purchase a competitors brand you will have to mail your breathalyzer in for a calibration service and wait 4-6 weeks for it to return verses changing the sensor in a few seconds.
Sensor life is between 200-300 tests and this unit also includes a sensor replacement indicator. This unit also has a test counter integrated into the memory.